“Lifestyle Possibilities” 

the blue group & the green group



Living as an ESPADEVIDA home owner in a friendly and tolerant neigh-borhood, using the community facilities with Club House,  but not involved in the cohousing-Club, covering cohousing-lifestyle elements, like regular cooking and “Dining Friends Group”, beside others.


Still any time later welcome to be included in the cohousing-Club. Maybe this is only interesting in later retirement years.


All other facilities and the use of the community-rooms is included, for an example if there is a Spa & Wellness area or a community swimming pool .


If someone prefers the familiar ESPADEVIDA neighborhood lifestyle, without the constantly involvement in the regular cohousing-CLUB, wich is organizing cooking, dining together, services etc., this is still a door to participate from all the comfort of the community-rooms.  There is always the possibility to change to be involved in the cohousing Club. 


Beside may be a small basic standard service, still defined from all community people at the beginning, most or all services are just additional possibilities if someone will need and want to book this, may be for a short period, like catering service, if someone is ill or - in case of a Multi Generation Project - children care service. Beside this, in general and especially in case of a 50+Generation community project, there are various retirement-comfort-lifestyle services possible.


As part of a Club Service the following still is possible:

At any time, when the “Dining Friends Group” does not use the kitchen and dining room for the regular dining meetings, it is possible to reserve - via the Club Management – the community kitchen and community dining room, may be for a day when there is a visit from some friends, from the family or a birthday celebration.





In general it is the same like with COMMUNITY NEIGHBORS, but this group is additional using regularly the kitchen and dining room of the Club-house, at minimum one day or several days a week for lunch and/or dinner.


Any community neighbor, not interested in the cohousing CLUB with community cooking and regular dining together etc. still, by the individual from all people of the community established regulations, can book in time and participate.


At most and all other times, when the kitchen and dining area is not fixed and regular used from this DINING FRIENDS group, may be some other people from the COMMUNITY NEIGHBOR Group can also organize to use the kitchen and dining room together, what will be coordinated via the Club Management- Services.


The use of the larger community dining room at any other time will be organized via the Club Management for various other reasons, where the Club Manager can and should be normally a person from this community.


                                                                   Not a typical ESPADEVIDA Neighbor: